8 Aug 2019
App: software programs developed for mobile devices and serve to provide users with similar services that can be accessed on computers. Their purpose ranges from utility, navigation, fitness, to entertainment and sport.
CSS: Cascading Style Sheets is used to format the layout of web pages. It is used to define the style of your website eg. colours, fonts, background images etc. It is also what allows your website to adapt to different screen sizes and device types.
Debossing: producing an image that is pressed into the material and indented, creating a depressed effect.
Display type: type designed with the objective of attracting attention eg. headlines and titles.
Embossing: producing an image that is raised and slightly higher than the surface of the material.
HTML: HyperText Markup Language is a language used to write web pages. It provides the basic structure of the site, which can be enhanced by other technologies like CSS and JavaScript.
Illustration: used to illuminate content and help tell a story through hand or digitally drawn images.
Kerning: adjustment of space between two characters to achieve a proportional and pleasing balance of space each character
Leading: adjustment of space between lines of text to make the text more legible or to save or use up space on a page..
Microsite: a cross between a landing page and a website. They are used to create a different online experience for audiences separate from the main website.
Prototype: a first or preliminary version of a device or product from which other forms are developed.
Sans serif typeface: typefaces without decorative strokes at the end of horizontal and vertical lines.
Serif typeface: typefaces with decorative strokes at the end of horizontal and vertical lines.
UI: user interface is a type of interface that allows users to intuitively interact and control a software application or hardware device. It includes a menu bar, toolbar, buttons ect.
UX: user experience is the overall experience a customer has with your business. From the moment they discover you, through to their interaction, purchase, use and beyond.
Wireframes: visual guides representing the framework and arrangement of elements in a user interface. They are created for the purpose of arranging elements to best accomplish a specific purpose.
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