6 Mar 2013
It’s not all about the design though. Graphic design is simply a vehicle to enhance a marketing or branding message. Never forget the written message but also the medium by which this message is being sent. It’s about your target market and how they engage with your campaign. Consider the colours, the fonts, the images and the overall style of your copy and your graphics. Do they work hand in hand to send a consistent message? Regardless of what your campaign might be, the efficient use of text, medium and graphic design is what will make your marketing message engaging and capture the interest of your target audience.
Here are a few tips to create a powerful marketing combination:
Knowledge is Power
There are many well-known marketing messages successful brands use. If you think about these messages, you will note there are often graphic designs associated with them. The ‘Just Do It’ message of Nike is of course associated with the ‘swoosh’. This message and the swoosh logo combined tell sports enthusiasts and those that ‘buy in’ to the brand that they can ‘just do it’. Repetition and frequency are what make these kinds of campaigns successful. You may not have a budget to match Nike however you can certainly use these same principles at a smaller scale.
The Power of Simplicity
Most marketing messages are most powerful when they are simple and direct. If you want to be seen as professional, credible and trustworthy, you should have a marketing message that your target audience can quickly and easily understand.
Graphic Design is about sending an intended message to the audience. You will see the effective use of graphic design elements throughout society today. For example, many popular signs that we often remember such as traffic signs, with the ‘Stop’ sign being one. We see these kinds of signs everywhere throughout the course of the day, yet they still catch your attention and encourage a response. There is a reason behind this. The colour red used in the Stop sign will naturally stand out against most backgrounds and communicates danger or a warning. Research suggests the hexagonal shape of this sign also sends out a message that subconsciously tells the brain to take notice. The large bold font used for the message also demands attention.
Getting your target market to notice your marketing campaign will be effective only if you are using the right colours, fonts and shapes. These elements will help you communicate and enhance the written message.
By: Gina http://www.wordmistress.com.au/the-wordmistress-blog/the-power-of-graphic-design-in-marketing
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