9 Sep 2019
That’s why every few years, brands dust the cobwebs off their branding and have a good hard look at what they can do better to look better. If you’re there right now, staring at your brand like it’s an art piece and wondering whether to rebrand or refresh, allow us to give you some thought-starters.
But first, an analogy. A refresh is like redecorating a house. It might mean a new logo, new brand colours or new presentation templates. A rebrand however, is like bringing in the bulldozers and building a new house – new front door, new letterbox, new interior structure – you get the picture.
4 Reasons Why a Rebrand Might Be the Answer
3 Reasons Why You Might Want to Opt for a Refresh
At Pure, we specialise in branding and marketing. We’ve worked with both new and established brands to find the most effective way to communicate their key message as they grow. Sound like what you need? Contact us, we know how to do it.
Contact PURE on accounts@purecreative.co.za or call on +27 (21) 424 6918 to set up a complimentary 20 minute consultation. Let’s create something great together!
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